
Board Game JoyBand MemoBox Delux First Math (MBD101)

Board Game JoyBand MemoBox Delux First Math (MBD101)
Board Game JoyBand MemoBox Delux First Math (MBD101)
Board Game JoyBand MemoBox Delux First Math (MBD101)
Board Game JoyBand MemoBox Delux First Math (MBD101)
Board Game JoyBand MemoBox Delux First Math (MBD101)
Board Game JoyBand MemoBox Delux First Math (MBD101)

Board Game JoyBand MemoBox Delux First Math (MBD101)

Product code
399,00 UAH
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Smart development from JoyBand Delux

Card games are created for children and adults, and the benefits of entertainment can hardly be overestimated. Players need to carry out simple mathematical operations and improve their skills. Over time, you can increase the difficulty level and the fun begins again.

Board games of the educational series are:

  • 52 coated cardboard cards for children over 4 years old;

  • interesting tasks for memory training;

  • simple and clear instructions;

  • a way to interest kids and develop abilities;

  • a great gift for mastering mathematical operations.

JoyBand Delux educational games allow parents and children to have fun and develop their abilities. First Math is a pre-learning activity designed for the whole family. Cards with images and numbers are convenient to take with you, because the box takes up little space. Get tasks while traveling or on vacation and keep your child interested in new achievements.

Educational games for children bring many benefits and allow you to entertain kids while visiting the doctor or kindergarten. Thanks to regular playful activities, kids will learn:

  • count from 1 to 10;

  • distinguish between even and odd numbers;

  • add, subtract, multiply and divide without adult help.

A game for two will help you improve your communication skills, express your thoughts correctly, and get excited about preparing for school. The JoyBend Delux board is your contribution to the future of the little genius.

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